hair ass
I don't believe in the de-sexualized work environment. Maybe it's a good thing i'm the boss then. Don't get me wrong, i don't think sexual harassment is okay, or a good idea, or tasteful in any sense of the word (go ahead, make a pun out of that one). I just don't think people should have to whitewash their personalities while in the workplace.
The reason this comes up? Mandatory supervisor training in sexual harassment. [i'd much rather be sexually harassed right now, than trained]
I have employees, hired through an agency, and therefore i must be trained. There are plenty of other things i'm doing wrong as a boss, so i'm not sure how this one will be rectified by a simple two hour training. Oh yes, two full hours of boring text and questions and me clicking radio buttons until the green checkmark appears. Unfortunately I was too fast in my reading and they mandate 45 minutes for each section. So now i keep completing the last page of quiz questions only to be presented with more questions. I think i'll just go browse porn for awhile instead and contemplate the irony.

The reason this comes up? Mandatory supervisor training in sexual harassment. [i'd much rather be sexually harassed right now, than trained]
I have employees, hired through an agency, and therefore i must be trained. There are plenty of other things i'm doing wrong as a boss, so i'm not sure how this one will be rectified by a simple two hour training. Oh yes, two full hours of boring text and questions and me clicking radio buttons until the green checkmark appears. Unfortunately I was too fast in my reading and they mandate 45 minutes for each section. So now i keep completing the last page of quiz questions only to be presented with more questions. I think i'll just go browse porn for awhile instead and contemplate the irony.
this is what i'm supposed to be doing...

Hi Joe,
Actually browsing your blog during my second period High School English class. Funny, the computers actual sensored your image! You must have been rather nuaghty ;-)
Well now I feel better. I didn't realize that even you lucky self-employed types still have to endure the misery of compliance training. (Not that I'm seriously taking pleasure in your pain, but I'll stop feeling quite so sorry for myself now.) :)
P.S. Just got back in town from Dallas. I've written you at least 10 emails in my mind, yet none have drifted out the fingers to the keyboard yet. :(