the devil is in the details. choose your words carefully. I know I do, but does she?
Main Entry: splitPronunciation: 'split Function: verb...transitive senses - : to separate (the parts of a whole) by interposing something
...intransitive senses - a : to become split lengthwise or into layers
b : to break apart : BURST
- a : to become divided up or separated off
b : to sever relations or connections c : LEAVE; especially : to leave without delay
- British : to betray confidence : act as an informer -- usually used with on
Main Entry: sep·a·ratePronunciation: 'se-p(&-)"rAt Function: verb...transitive senses
- a : to set or keep apart : DISCONNECT, SEVER
b : to make a distinction between : DISCRIMINATE, DISTINGUISH c : SORT d : to disperse in space or time : SCATTER
- to part by a legal separation :
a : to sever conjugal ties with b : to sever contractual relations with : DISCHARGE - to block off : SEGREGATE
- a : to isolate from a mixture : EXTRACT
b : to divide into constituent parts
...intransitive senses
- : to become divided or detached
- a : to sever an association : WITHDRAW
b : to cease to live together as a married couple
- : to go in different directions
- : to become isolated from a mixture