buyer's remorse
So once upon a time, i had a laptop that i quite loved. For many years, we took care of each other, thru thick and thin. Sure, it was a little rough at times, but we made the best of it.
But alas, our love has been torn asunder. I miss her somethin' awful. Life just isn't the same, and at some point i have to break down and get a laptop. For me this time. I hear rumor that they're releasing a new model, like the one i had before, but updated so it's nice and fast. The rumors say it will be released next week. I get all geared up to buy it, but it's a no-show. The rumors were bunk. I have my eye on another laptop, different model. Not exactly what i want, but good enough, for now. But then there are more rumors, saying just two more weeks until this great updated model will be ready. Tomorrow they say, maybe.... hopefully.
They call it buyer's remorse : you're afraid to buy it because you may not be satisfied with what you get, or what you always wanted may just be released next week - and then you'd be stuck with a lesser model. What if the updated model really isn't all that, not what it should be? You waited all that time, just to be disappointed. Buyer's remorse is a terrible thing. And i'm totally immersed in it, trying hard not to be.
But really, when you think about it, i'm not even really talking about a laptop. Makes for a great analogy for other things in my life.