sin city
I just got back from seeing Sin City. I don't see too many movies in the theatre, even though that's the best place to see them, but this one just needed to be seen, and i needed to get out of the house. Snuck some Mike & Ike's (and a lil rum for my coke, shhhhh) into the theatre and enjoyed two hours of color splashes and bloody bashes.
Alot has been made of how violent Sin City is, with the media saying it's the "Hardest R Ever" or that it should have been X rated. I'm not so sure. I'm not saying it's not violent or that you should take your kids to go see it, but i've seen much worse. It's all so stylized and comic anyway, so it comes off as much less disturbing than other violence.
As for the technique, it worked wonders. This is the sort of movie that creates its own world, and for that alone the movie gets my recommendation, for doing such a great job. I don't think that special effects and digital manipulation are the end-all-be-all of moviemaking, but they have their place. Like Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, Sin City immerses you in a world you never would have dreamed of otherwise. So much so that when you walk away you still see glimpses of it, feel it in you.
And i'm left awake, but with droopy eyes, heading towards the wee hours of the morning. I could really use a warm body to cuddle up and talk with, but i'll settle for my insomnia -curing book to read instead, for now.

As for the technique, it worked wonders. This is the sort of movie that creates its own world, and for that alone the movie gets my recommendation, for doing such a great job. I don't think that special effects and digital manipulation are the end-all-be-all of moviemaking, but they have their place. Like Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, Sin City immerses you in a world you never would have dreamed of otherwise. So much so that when you walk away you still see glimpses of it, feel it in you.
And i'm left awake, but with droopy eyes, heading towards the wee hours of the morning. I could really use a warm body to cuddle up and talk with, but i'll settle for my insomnia -curing book to read instead, for now.