Monday, November 28, 2005


Perceptive woman: Anytime you overhear people, if you only hear a second of what they say, it's always completely stupid.
--overheard by Todd Seavy, Greenwich Village

Overheard in New York is my new favorite funny blog, which i guess makes sense because i've had an unhealthy addiction to eavesdropping for years.

If you take a step back, Overheard in NY fits in nicely with a wider movement towards a focus on everyday people living their everyday lives. It feels similar to Found, e-closure, the Found Footage Festival, and maybe just blogs in general. I know the whole Web 2.0 thing is focusing on social networking and user-created content, but maybe their missing the point. Maybe the real trend to pay attention to is giving us new ways to share stuff that's always been there, but needs a wider audience. I guess they're kinda the same, with a slightly different focus.



At 11/30/2005 11:46 AM, Blogger my imperfect offering said...

OMG, those sites are great!


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