well, i never... at least until now
in the deep recesses of my head, there's this theoretical list of things that i haven't yet done yet. They're not so much regrets as just little things with empty checkboxes next to them that i'd like to get around to before i die. In the last few weeks i checked a few boxes, without really trying. Not saying these items were on my list, but had they been, they'd be gone now...
- fondle someone that i don't really like
- kayaking
- kiss someone while thinking of someone else
- completely zone out while a woman is talking, but keep saying "uh huh" so they think you're paying attention.
- write a breakup letter, and mean it.

kayaking? that one sounds like it could be fun
ahhh, the blessed focus on the positive... thanks Lunafish. You're right, that was a blast, and i'm sure i'll do it again.
you rule.