Lately, i've wanted a Jeep. They just look like they'd be fun to drive, and since i don't commute to work anymore, the gas mileage isn't as much of a factor. My first 3 cars were Honda Civics, and i really liked them. Then i had the Corolla, but it's been boring me for quite awhile now. Other than a jeep, which i'm still kind of waffling on, i'm not sure what i want.
I think i could probably have any car that i want, within reason, and i'm not sure what to do with that. I look around at cars and there are so few that wow me, that really make me want to go after them. There are the ones that i've had before (Hondas and Toyotas), ones that are slightly different from my norm (Jeep), and then the ones that i've always wanted but never had the opportunity (VW Squareback). I'm in no hurry, and i have the right to be picky, so i bide my time and testdrive a few here and there and see what exactly i like. At this point, i'm leaning towards the Squareback.

And one last postscript, for those following along this far that haven't gotten it yet - the car search really serves as a great analogy for other things going on in my life right now. Sometimes things are clearer when viewed through a mirror.
You are so very good at these little analogies. :)
I was in nearly the same situation 2 years ago. I had been driving a Nissan Pathfinder for 7 years and was ready for a change, but none of the vehicles were "wow-ing" me at the time (I even used those same words). I ended up buying a cute little red Mazda RX-8, at which point I suffered much ridicule about my "mid-life crisis" (although granted, I had just turned 40). It really wasn't a mid-life crisis, but more of a "celebration", an acknowledgment to myself that I could finally afford a cool little sports car if I wanted one (something I had doubted would ever happen when I was younger). Anyway, I drove the car for a little over a year, but what I discovered was that, while it was sexy and had the ability to go really fast, the truth is that I am really not a fast driver. Plus the car was small and a pain-in-the-@ss getting in and out of. After 1 year, I ended up trading it in for...guess what? Another Pathfinder. I've never been happier, and in an odd sense I feel like I'm "home again".
I guess in a way my story could fit into your analogy too. :)
buy the jeep. it's what you wanted, until someone made a comment about it. who cares. buy it!
Come on you turned down buying my car, because you were set on a jeep.
My so called Mid-Life post divorce car was a red convertible Mustang. I felt free with the wind in my hair. It was too small. I just like the ability to put a big box (TV, Computer, etc.) in the back so I traded for a SUV, Jeep Grand Cherokee that I just sold in July.
Drive a Jeep if you want. If you change your mind later, trade it.