Tuesday, September 27, 2005

tag, not the body spray

Tagged by MIO

Five things I plan to do before I die:
  1. fly a plane
  2. play piano
  3. make more movies
  4. retire to the big city
  5. interact with my kids as adults, rather than kids that i treat like mini-adults

Five things I can do:
  1. think of 5 new problems caused by someone else's solution
  2. laundry
  3. fall asleep, at the drop of a hat
  4. photographic composition
  5. ponder

Five things I cannot do:
  1. decide where to eat dinner
  2. dance
  3. find time to read books
  4. live without regrets
  5. give up

Five things that attract me to the opposite sex:
  1. liking yourself
  2. knowing what you want from life
  3. intent gaze
  4. taste & opinion
  5. a great ass

Five things I say most often:
  1. actually
  2. figured
  3. of course
  4. theoretically
  5. piece of cake

Five people I would like to do this next:
  1. Mel
  2. my brothers
  3. Toulouse
  4. Jessica, my first non-girlfriend
  5. any of the redheads that currently have me smitten


At 10/03/2005 10:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok... its on myspace.


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