Friday, December 16, 2005


i finally dug through my old emails and found the one i was looking for, the letter worthy of e-closure, the breakup letter blog. But it was so much harder to put together than i thought it would be. I had envisioned just finding it and hitting the handy "forward" button, but it required much more to fill in the whole story. And oh what a joyous story it was indeed

when i got my computer in April, i decided to compile all of my email messages from the last 10+ years into one massive library of messages. Sounded like a good idea at the time since they had spread out over multiple computers and CDs over the years. Now i'm not so sure. Mac OS X's Spotlight search utility is so good that when i'm looking for something on my computer it searches through all of the text from my old emails as well. That would be fine if they were funny, cute, and/or poignant. Oh no, i tend to get the really painful ones that have little or nothing to do with what i'm searching for. For instance, i was looking for old letter of recommendation i wrote someone, but instead turned up a blistering email that my estranged wrote to me back in the good ol' days of domestic bliss. I made a mistake on a job app and got completely reamed for it. Good times indeed.

That said, i'm not going to tell you which breakup letter is mine. Keep your eye on e-closure and maybe you'll spot it when/if it gets posted. And while your at it, dig up one of your own letters. Painful, but it will do you good.



At 12/19/2005 7:00 PM, Blogger my imperfect offering said...

I'll be watching for yours. :)

Hmm, I'm trying to remember if I've held on to any of those. I used to save anything with sentimental value (good or bad), but in recent years I've gotten to where I "purge" often and dump anything that might dredge up any negative feelings (except photos, I just can't bring myself to part with those yet).


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