Monday, September 15, 2008

this much i know is true

  1. i'm not dead. i'm not even dying. and just because i'm losing, doesn't mean i'm lost.
  2. that bottle of Admiral Nelson is only $6, and if your pride can handle it, the Cap'n is pretty sure it'll do the trick.
  3. i saw the end of summer on the day before Labor Day. i was walking out to the mailbox, and a breeze blew right threw me; the sun was setting in a slightly different shade of orange; and i finally noticed how many leaves have fallen off of the Asian maple in front of my house. it's not a bad thing, this summer needed to end.
  4. when i stop having that special someone to share my life with....

    • i start looking around at where it's gone right, and wrong, in the past. and i focus on the right. and i wish i could have that all over again.
    • i think more, and write more, because you have to have some sort of outlet.
    • sometimes I think I'd rather settle than be alone

  5. Secret Admirer is still one of my favorite 80's teen sex comedies. A classic story that Shakespeare could have written, a top-notch cast (including a young Corey Haim), and Fruit Loops with chocolate syrup.
  6. communication is the thing.


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