Saturday, September 24, 2005


Bobbi joined a New Wave band
changed her name to Bobbi Sox
Eloise, who played guitar,
sang songs about whales and cops
Terri didn't give a shit
was just a nihilist
Ronnie was much more my style
cause she wrote songs just like this

There's an old 80's song by a band called the Nails... 88 Lines About 44 Women. It's been stuck in my head on and off for the last few weeks. I remembered it awhile back, downloaded it, loaded it into my iPod, and listened to it way too much.

Lately this one has come back to me, along with the realization that i don't really have 88 lines about 44 women. Sure, i could give you 88 lines, but they would be about eight women. I just haven't known that many women, and i'm not even talking about the Biblical sense of known. I guess i just think that there are many interesting people out there worth getting to know, so i just have to remind myself not to be self-limiting. And no, i'm not talking about sleeping around.

Which brings up a typical question, being that i'm a young separated man, a catch (yes, my tongue was firmly planted in cheek while typing that)... once free to roam the single world, would i settle down with someone new, or spend some time looking around first? I'm not used to being single, and i don't think i like it. At the same time, i think i'd be doing myself a disservice if i didn't try to see what the rest of the world was like before i started focusing on just one person.



At 9/25/2005 8:55 AM, Blogger my imperfect offering said...

Hmm, I don't recall that song, but I will look for it. (New Music Thursday, perhaps?) :)

Boy, that is the tricky part, isn't it? If you're anything like me, your emotions will probably override reason once you encounter someone new who fascinates you. But hopefully you won't rush into any serious long-term commitments. (Thinking of one of my friends here, who found himself suddenly-single, spent some time feeling terribly alone, and then quickly married the first woman he got involved with. The good part of the story is, he is much happier than he was, both in his first marriage and when being alone. But I have heard him lament, on more than one occasion, "What was I thinking?" when he starts missing having a little "alone time". So try to enjoy that part while you can.) :)

At 9/25/2005 7:28 PM, Blogger Lunafish said...

Ahh, those 80's!

It is my opinion (for what that's worth) that some people are just "relationship" people - more happy in a couple. Dating was painful to me because if I liked someone I wanted to spend all my time with her or if I found her not interesting enough – I didn’t want to make a second date. I wouldn’t care if I knew 44. When I am at-1 (minus one) I feel like the whole world is a happy couple and I am odd man out. sigh
I also have a saying – the problem is not that there will never be another one – the problem is that there will always be another one.
It does not matter how much time you spend in between, whether cupid strikes in one month or one year, it is your love story and you get to do it your way.

At 9/25/2005 10:49 PM, Blogger joe said...

You're right, should have just posted the song. So now it's on NewMusicThurs for all your listening pleasure. And a bonus track as well, for the truly demented.

I'm not planning on rushing into any serious long-term relationship right now, but life has a way of getting in the way of our plans, or so Lennon taught us. I do know myself, and i am the kind of person that has 1 or 2 really close friends, rather than lots of acquaintances. So the worst part of the separation for me has been losing my best friend. My next is likely to be a lover as well, but maybe not. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

At 9/27/2005 11:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been thinking a lot about this lately as well... to much thinking. Just let it happen.


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